Ann Manry Kenyon  »  Jacksonville, FL
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Ann Manry Kenyon
Jacksonville, FL
Fee range: $16,000-$60,000
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About the Artist

Kenyon has painted Chief Executive Officers, Distinguished Faculty and Private Commissions throughout the United States.

Her lithographs, "A Classic in Sports," can be found in collections from Australia to South Africa. Ann has served as juror on many occasions, the most recent being the summer show in 2008 for The Portrait Society of Atlanta, Inc.

A top award winner at the National Portrait Seminar, her work was described thusly by John Howard Sanden: "If portraiture is to evoke an impression of a living, human being, then this is portraiture at its finest."

  • Portrait Society of America, Faculty Member
• Salmagundi Club of New York
• Pastel Society of America
• Florida Watercolor Society
• National Portrait Seminar, Faculty Member
• Cecilia Beaux Forum
  • National Portrait Seminar, New York
• Society of Illustrators, New York
• Dorothy Watheys Barberis Award, New York
• Florida Watercolor Society, among numerous others
  • Five Years private, classical study with the distinguished British artist, Harold Hilton
• Huntingdon College, Montgomery Alabama
• BFA Jacksonville University with the Degree of Summa Cum Laude and Departmental Honors in Art.
• The Art Students' League
• Charles Reid
• Daniel Greene
• Harley Brown
• David Leffel
Teaching Experience, Demonstrations and Workshops
  • Scottsdale Artists School, Scottsdale, Arizona
• The Portrait Society of America
• The National Portrait Seminar
• Art Workshops in Boston, Pensacola, Tallahassee, as well as many other venues
• Cultural Center of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
• Florida Watercolor Society
• Island Art Association, Amelia Island, Florida
• Jacksonville Art Museum
• Jacksonville Watercolor Society
Publications and Features
  • American Artist Magazine, Aug. '83, Sept. '97 Apr. '99
• American Artist Workshop, Spring '09
• International Artist Magazine, #11, #14, #28, #32, #33, #69
• Pastel Artist International #3
• Plate World, Magazine of Collectors' Plates
• Plate Collector, Featuring Limited Editions
• Southern Living
• The Society of Illustrators, #26

Portrait Fees
  Oil / Watercolor Pastel
Head and Shoulders $16,000 13,000
Three Quarter 24,000 19,000
Full Length 30,000 25,000
Small Studies 10%
of regular fee
of regular fee
Grand Manner
(Life size, full length figure with detailed background.)
$50,000 n/a


• A 25% discount will apply to each additional figure within the same painting.

• Sizes range from approximately 20 x 16 to 40 x 30 except Grand Manner portraits which will be determined on an individual basis.

• Framing, travel, and lodging are not included with the exception of lodging whenever the client opts to stay in the artist's studio guest suite.

Public portraits

The Honorable Donald John Trump
45th President of the United States
Dr. Joseph LaSegne
President, Wofford College
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Dr. Wanda D. Bigham
President, Huntingdon College
Montgomery, Alabama
Hugh Jones, Former President
Barnett Banks of Florida
Adelaide Craver, President
1st National Bank of Shelby
Shelby, North Carolina
Miriam Cannon Hayes
Founder, Cannon Foundation
Concord, North Carolina
Dr. William Haselton
Haselton Library in the
Paper Tricentennial Building
The Honorable Howell W. Melton
7th Judicial Circuit of Florida
Harris Dittmar
Prominent Attorney
Jacksonville, Florida
Toni Jennings, First Woman President
Florida Senate, Tallahassee, Florida
Congressman Ander Crenshaw
Florida 4th Congressional District
Former President, Florida Senate
Columba Bush
Former First Lady of Florida
Florida House, Washington, D.C.
Bishop Greg Brewer
Diocese of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
Rhoda McKean
Founder, The Cultural Center
Ponte Verde Beach, Florida

Private portraits

Barron Trump
20 x 16 Oil on linen
Melania Trump
45th First Lady of the United States
26 x 18 Oil on Linen
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