Oil Portraits
Cameo Vignettes ........................................................................................................ $1,000.00
Head Portrait From Photo ............................................................................................ $2,000.00
Head and Shoulders (Adult & Child) ............................................................................. $5,000.00
Half Figure with Hands (Adult & Child) .......................................................................... $6,000.00
Three-Quarter Figure .................................................................................................. $9,000.00
Full Figure (Depending on size, background & amount of detail).................................... $11,000.00 and up
All travel, lodging, framing, applicable taxes and shipping expenses are in addition to the prices listed above.
Additional figures on separate canvases are 10% less than prices listed above, when ordered within six months of the first order.
Additional figures on the same canvas will be discounted 20%...
Animals may be added to the portrait for an additional 20-40% depending on size of the animal.