Michelle Snead  »  Raleigh, NC
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Michelle Snead
Raleigh, NC
Fee range: $2,200-$8,500

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About the Artist

Michelle has been a professional artist for the past twenty-nine years, but her love of art extends much farther back. She was born in France and spent her childhood in Gastonia, North Carolina where her parents encouraged her artistic talent. From the age of eleven, she painted landscapes and still lifes in oils, and then over two decades ago, she turned her attention to portraits. Michelle’s art career follows her first profession, that of a high school teacher, having graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English from Wake Forest University. After becoming a professional artist, she received an additional degree in fine art from Meredith College in 1997.

The majority of Michelle’s work hangs in private homes in North Carolina and adjacent states; however, some paintings now hang from Maine to California. Her corporate clients include the federal court system, churches, hospitals, board rooms, and numerous businesses, especially in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area. She has been featured in Wakefield Living, the Henderson Dispatch, Luxury Living, and the News and Observer. She has been represented nationally by Portraits South for the past twenty-two years and continues her affiliation with the Portrait Society of America, being one of the founding members. In the PSA tristate portrait competition, she was a finalist.

When Michelle is not working in the visual arts, she devotes a large portion of her time to music. After volunteering as director of the Chancel Choir of North Raleigh Presbyterian Church for over twenty-two years and leading a group of singers to perform in Carnegie Hall, she “retired” in 2013. Her other interests include gardening, photography, providing care for others as a deacon in her church, playing tennis, and spending time with family.

Portrait Fees
Head and Shoulders 16 x 20 $2,200.00
20 x 24 $2,800.00
Three-Quarter Figure 24 x 30 $3,000.00
29 x 40 $3,500.00
Full Length 30 x 40 $4,000.00
36 x 50 $5,500.00

Head and Shoulders 16 x 20 $3,000.00
20 x 24 $4,000.00
Three-Quarter Figure 24 x 30 $4,000.00
30 x 40 $6,000.00
Full Length 30 x 40 $6,000.00
36 x 50 $8,500.00

All sizes listed above are approximate. Generally, the larger size applies to adults and teenagers as opposed to smaller children. If the portraits are considerably larger, the fee may be higher. For each additional figure on the same canvas, add 50% more to the commission amount. Animals are 25% more. All taxes, travel, lodging, and shipping expenses are in addition to the prices listed above.

Public portraits

Pat Barker, Benefactor
Campbell University
Buies Creek, North Carolina
The Honorable Weldon Lloyd Jr.
Henderson, North Carolina
Reggie Harris, M.D.
Medical Mutual Insurance Company
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dr. Marion Lark
First Baptist Church
Henderson, North Carolina

Private portraits

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Works for sale

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