Margaret Holland Sargent  »  Los Angeles, CA
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Kristin Baker, First Woman Cadet
First Captain, U.S Military Academy

Margaret Holland Sargent
Los Angeles, CA
Fee range: $12,000-$27,000
Visit artist's full web site

About the Artist

One of America's leading portraitists, Margaret Holland Sargent has painted presidents, princes, heads of state, members of prominent families, government leaders and celebrated personalities throughout the world. Her portraits have won acclaim from both subjects and critics.

"Presidents Ford and Carter, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Dr. Jules C. Stein, General Alexander M. Haig, Jr., and Tennessee Williams have all been captured in likeness and spirit with her fresh, light style of portraiture." —The Gold Book

In 1983, Margaret Sargent was cover artist and featured in an article in American Artist magazine, the largest artist's publication in the world.

An enthusiastic supporter of career opportunities for women, Sargent was commissioned to paint the first woman midshipman at Annapolis, the first woman to graduate from West Point, and the first woman chaplain in the Armed Forces.

The previously all-male Salmagundi Club in New York City invited her to become a member in 1974. Of the artists certified for highest quality and outstanding achievement by the American Portrait Society, Sargent was the first woman. She was also the first woman Charter member of the Council of Leading American Portrait Painters

ABC-TV commissioned her to paint two full-length portraits for its daytime series Loving. The 72" x 42" paintings, each of a couple, appear as part of the Alden family mansion set and are viewed regularly by millions.

Southwest Art magazine featured Sargent in a recent issue, describing her background in theatre, films, and television. Camelot Productions selected her, a member of the faculty of the National Artist's Seminar, as instructor for a series of videos. See the Instructional DVDs page for details and ordering.

  • "Getting Started in Oil Painting"
  • "Basic Oil Painting"
  • "Floral Arrangement"
  • "Metal, Glass, and Wood"
  • "How to Succeed in Portraiture"
  • "Painting the Head"

Portrait Fees
Size Fee
Head and Shoulders
24" x 20" to 30" x 25" (Not including hands)
Half Figure — no hands $15,000
Half Figure — with hands $18,000
Three Quarter Figure
36" x 30" or larger
Full Figure $27,000
Groups: Each Additional figure on same canvas, add 50 percent.  

Not included in price: Frame, shipping, travel expenses, plus sales tax if applicable.

Public portraits

The Honorable James Kenneth Hahn
40th mayor of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
Joan Michael, Dean
College of Education & Psychology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dr. Winthrop C. Libby, President
 University of Maine 1969 - 1973
Orono, Maine
James L. Ash, Jr.
President, Whittier College
Whittier, California
Mary Maxwell Gates
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Frank A. Bennack, CEO
Hearst Corporation
New York, New York
James R. Webb, President
Screen Writers Guild
Hollywood, California
Wesley Addy & Celeste Holm
ABC TV's drama series Loving
Dorothy Stimson Bullitt, President & CEO
King Broadcasting, Seattle, Washington
Sidney J. Sheinberg, President
Music Corporation of America
Chicago, Illinois
Wesley Addy & Celeste Holm
ABC TV's series Loving
Tennessee Williams, Author
portraits, portrait artists
Vincent Limoli, Pianist
Dr. Thomas & Dorothy Donnal, Benefactors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Los Angeles, California
Robert Morris Arnold
Robert M. Arnold Building
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Seattle, Washington
Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Machael A. J. Farrell, CEO
Annaly Capital Management / FIDAC
New York, New York
Madame Jacqueline Paccard, Entrepreneur
Paris, France
Lew R. Wasserman, CEO,  MCA, Inc.
Collection of Music Corporation of America
William H Gates, Sr.
Chairman, Gates Foundation
Gene W. Schneider
United Cable TV
Goodwin Chase, President
Pacific National Bank
Miami, Florida
Elmer J. Nordstrom
Co-chairman, Nordstrom Inc.
The Honorable Wm. Matthew Byrne, Jr.
Chief Judge Emeritus
U.S. Courthouse  Los Angeles, California
Rear Admiral Ronald J. Kurth, U.S.N.
PresidentNaval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
Jules S. Stein, Founder & CEO
Jules Stein Eye Institute
Los Angeles, California
William Hutchinson, M.D.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Seattle, Washington
Allan W. Lobb, M.D.
Swedish Hospital
Seattle, Washington
Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Sargent, U.S. Army
Major Christopher Lee Sargent
Commander F Company 223rd Aviation
Fort Rucker, Alabama
1st Lieutenant Laura Walker
4th Infantry Division
Collection, West Point Museum
Lieutenant General Daniel W. Christman
Superintendant, U.S. Military Academy
Andrea Lee Hollen, 1st Woman Graduate, U.S Military Academy
Sandra Irwin, First Woman Plebe
United States Naval Academy
Lieutenant Diana Pohlman U.S.N.
First Woman Chaplain of the Armed Forces
Lieutenant General Dave R. Palmer
Superintendent, U.S Military Academy
 West Point Museum Collection
Kristin Baker, First Woman Cadet
First Captain, U.S Military Academy
Vice Admiral James B. StockdaleNaval War College
Rear Admiral James R. StarkUnited States Navy
Vice Admiral James E. Service, U.S.N., President 
 Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
Rear Admiral James R. Stark, U.S.N.
President, Naval War College
Newport, Rhode Island
Princess Latifa Fahd
George Ryoichi Ariyoshi 
Governor of Hawaii 1974 - 1986 
State Foundation on Culture & the Arts
Former President Gerald R. Ford
Fred Hutchinson, Seattle Rainiers
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
 Seattle, Washington

Private portraits

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Pet & Animal portraits

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portraits, portrait artists

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Site designed by A Stroke of Genius, Inc.