Richard Balash  »  Pflugerville, TX
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Richard Balash
Pflugerville, TX
Fee range: $7,000-$25,000
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About the Artist

While he has been drawing from a very early age (Richard's earliest remembered art achievement was a mural-sized drawing of the Resurrection, done at the behest of the Sisters of Charity at St. James Elementary School while in the second grade) he had no formal art education until early college years.

While earning a Master's degree in Studio Art, when abstract painting, theory and practice, was the rule at university art departments, he was, literally, left on his own to study and draw from artists of the past and present who painted and continued to paint.

Several portrait seminars in New York City, with John Howard Sanden, provided his first actual exposure to the world of professional portrait painting.

In Houston, a longtime friendship with the artist Jose S. Perez was invaluable in his artistic development . He also values a friendship with the late J. Anthony Wills, whose thousand-plus portraits included three official Presidential portraits (Truman, Eisenhower and Nixon). More recently, workshops with Sherrie McGraw and David Leffel have added another layer to the ongoing his comprehension of painting.

"We have centuries of painting behind us, and a certain degree of continuity had been lost or discarded when I began to paint. The learning process, for me, has been long and slow and arduous.

Learning to apply paint to canvas that not only suggests life but concomitantly has life itself, is a never-ending process."

With almost four decades of active portraiture behind, and the bar of the goal continually raised to a higher level, the passion to paint is undiminished.

Portrait Fees

The procedure for obtaining a portrait by Richard Balash is initiated by a consultation with the artist or his representative. During this session, the needs of the patron and the artist's methods and techniques are discussed.

Most people about to sit for a portrait by Richard Balash are pleased to
learn that it will not involve a great amount of their time. Usually, a relatively short posing session, using a camera and computer to gather and consider possible poses and expression, is all that is needed to set the direction of the portrait.

He uses the photographs and observational notes as a guide to create the portrait in his studio, starting with a small compositional sketch which must be approved by the client before the final painting begins.

Photos of the portrait in progress are sent to the client for approval and these exchanges will continue until the client is satisfied with the results.

Current turn around time is 3-6 months.

The following are base fees for portraits; travel expenses are included in the fee.

Head and Shoulders $7,000.00 $3.000 ** $4,000
Three Quarter Length $16,000.00 $6.500 $8,000
Full Length $20,000.00
up to 60"
up to 40"
Full Length $25,000.00
over 60"
over 40"


*Elaborate detail in clothing and/or background, including the addition of pet(s), will increase the fee.

**Pastel paintings with no background are done on a toned pastel surface with no paint or detail in the background. Client will be charged travel expenses if less than three pastel portraits in one visit.

The process begins with a consultation between the client and the artist to discuss the needs of the client and the artist's methods and techniques. Next, a relatively short posing session involving a camera and computer occurs to gather and consider possible poses and expression. This first sitting sets the direction of the portrait. Mr. Balash uses the photographs and observational notes as a guide to proceed with the portrait in his studio, starting with a small compositional sketch which must be approved by the client before the final painting begins. Photos of the portrait in progress are sent to the client for approval as the painting progresses, and these exchanges will continue until the client is satisfied with the results.

A 50% deposit will be due in advance. Balance due at completion of commission and acceptance by the client.

Included in Price: Artist's travel expenses (except for head & shoulder pastel portraits without backgrounds)

Not Included in Price: Framing, shipping/crating, artist's travel expenses for pastel paintings (no backgrounds), and sales tax.


Public portraits

Danny McNease, CEO
Rowan Industries
Houston, Texas
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portraits, portrait artists

Private portraits

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portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
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portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
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portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
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portraits, portrait artists

Pet & Animal portraits

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