Patricia Hargrove  »  Asheville, NC
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Patricia Hargrove
Asheville, NC
Portrait fees: Please inquire
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About the Artist

Patricia has had a life long fascination with people and faces. This passion led her into 30 plus years of painting portraits. Earning a B.A. in Graphic Design from Coker College, participating in workshops and conferences with other well known portrait painters, and becoming a member of several national and regional portrait artist organizations all serve to further her passion for portrait painting. Her work appears in private collections across the country and in the World Methodist Council Museum. She has been in numerous shows and competitions including being published in Watercolor Magic Magazine as one of the "Editors Picks". Coker College named her Outstanding Young Alumni in 2008-2009 and chose her to paint Coker's retiring President James Dawson.
Portraits should be about personality as well as likeness. She strives for that expressiveness that most mirrors personality. She also strives for the best choice in clothing and setting that represent personality. The memories that a portrait evokes should be be a source of joy for the ensuing years.


Portrait Fees

Please contact the artist at for pricing.

Public portraits

Dr. Robert Kehrberg
Retired Professor of Fine & Performing Arts
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, North Carolina
Dr. James Dawson
Former President, Coker College
Hartsville, South Carolina
Charles Silver, President
Reverend Bill Edwards

Private portraits

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portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
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portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
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Pet & Animal portraits

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