Robin Wellner  »  Charlotte, NC
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Don Duffy
Don Duffy Architecture
Charlotte, North Carolina

Robin Wellner
Charlotte, NC
Fee range: $1,200-$5,000
Visit artist's full web site

About the Artist

Robin Wellner was born in Morristown, NJ in 1952.  She studied Fine Arts at the University of Southwestern Louisiana; and continued her art education with many other artists, including Robert Liberace, Dawn Whitelaw, Richard Nelson and many more.  Robin now lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband, Michael, balancing her time between portrait/figurative work and plein air landscapes.

Accolades and Awards

  • Juried into the Oil Painters of America’s 2016 National Show in Dallas with “Kalvin”
  • Selected to participate in “Showdown” in the Hart-Witzen Gallery
  • One woman show, Free Range Brewery, February – March 2016
  •  Finalist in the American Woman Artists National Juried 2015 Show at Bonner David Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Award of Merit for “Kalvin,  Portrait of a Young Man”
  • Selected as one of 30 artists to participate in the 2015 Piedmont Paint Out in High Point, NC.  Received “Artists’ Choice Award”
  • Finalist in the Richeson75 Figure and Portrait Show 2015
  • 2 Honorable Mentions in the Guild of Charlotte Artists, 2015
  •  Honorable Mention, “Colton’s Choice” award and “People’s Choice” award in the Matthews Art Guild, 2015 – Matthews Alive Festival
  • Finalist in the 2015 Spring Online Show for the American Women Artists
  • Selected for the Carolina’s Got Art Show at the Elder Gallery, June 2015
  • Finalist in the Artist’s Magazine 2014 Over 60 competition
  • Finalist in the Richeson75 Online Animals, Birds and Wildlife 2013 Show.
  • Group Show, Tres Chouette 2010


  • American Women Artists
  • American Impressionist Society
  • Oil Painters of America
  • Portrait Society of America
  • North Carolina Plein Air Painters

Portrait Fees

The portrait process begins with a discussion of your vision and needs for the final painting. Portraits become heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. My hope is that every time you look at your portrait of you or your loved one that you will recall special memories that make you smile. There is something magical about capturing someone in paint! We are all works of art!!

If the portrait involves multiple people, I will determine the right size canvas, and give you a quote before proceeding. A nonrefundable deposit of 50% is required upon decision to proceed.

These prices are a beginning. Once we have discussed your needs, I’ll be able to solidify a price. Travel, shipping and framing are additional expenses.

Portrait Sketch

This would be a looser interpretation based on a 3-4 hour sitting with a loose abstract background would start at $800 for an 11×14 or 16×20.

More Refined Portrait

I would require several hours to do photographs and a color study. After reviewing photos, I would review these with you so you can choose your favorites. Once the portrait is begun, I may ask for additional sitting time to help make the portrait as accurate as possible. The prices below suggest a beginning. Once we’ve discussed your wants, a final price will be determined.

  Size Fee
Head & shoulders 11 × 14 $1,200
  16 × 20 $1,500
3/4 figure (includes hands) 24 ×30 $3,500
Full figure 30 x 40 $5,000

Public portraits

Jim Allison
Johnston, Allison and Hord Attorneys at Law
Charlotte, North Carolina
Don Duffy
Don Duffy Architecture
Charlotte, North Carolina

Private portraits

portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists

Pet & Animal portraits

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portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists

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