portraits » past » historical & replicas

Portraits in this gallery are either (1) actual historical figures of renown (2) contemporary people
in historical costume (3) paintings representing a bygone culture or era (4) replicas of museum pieces.

For Gold, God and Glory
Portrait of Christopher Columbus, 1492. (oil on canvas).
To create different poses, hands, faces, mimics, etc., the artist used his own
 image in the mirror.Included in Peruvian Encyclopedia.
Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa
Pope Francis, 266th Pope of the Catholic Church
Collection: Vatican
George Washington
1st President of the United States of America
Mount Vernon Museum, Mount Vernon, Virginia
The Second Inaugural Address (Portrait of Abraham Lincoln in 1865)
Igor Babailov Igor Babailov Igor Babailov Igor Babailov Anna Rose Bain
portraits, portrait artists
Abraham Lincoln
U.S. House of Representatives, US Capitol
Lucy Somerville Howorth
American lawyer, feminist and politician
Pushmataha, Choctaw Chief
Old Capitol Museum, Jackson, Mississippi
George Ohr
American ceramic artist
Self-proclaimed Mad Potter of Biloxi
Old Capitol Museum, Jackson, Mississippi
Allan R. Banks Ned Bittinger Katherine Buchanan Katherine Buchanan Katherine Buchanan
John M. Smyth
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Hannah Penn
Wife of William Penn
William T. Chambers Michael Chelich Casey Childs Casey Childs Ellen Cooper
Cornelia Connelly
Founder of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
First Lady Lady Bird Johnson
Reception Center of the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Park
Gillespie County, Texas
Head of the Bahá'í Faith
Ellen Cooper Melissa Crawford Mary Villon de Benveniste Mary Villon de Benveniste David Draime
Louis Armstrong
portraits, portrait artists
Jean Clemens
Mark Twain's Youngest Daughter
Mark Twain Library
West Redding, Connecticut
Mark Twain
portraits, portrait artists
David Draime Susan Boone Durkee Susan Boone Durkee Susan Boone Durkee Virgil Elliott
portraits, portrait artists
Johann Sebastian Bach
portraits, portrait artists
Marilyn Monroe
Mother Teresa
Virgil Elliott Virgil Elliott Connie Erickson Annette H. Evans Annette H. Evans
The Calmody Chlldren
after Thomas Lawrence
After Ingres
After Rubens
After Rembrandt
portraits, portrait artists
Nanette Fluhr Nanette Fluhr Nanette Fluhr Nanette Fluhr Terry Guyer
Scientific Pioneers of Silicon Valley
Collection, Silicon Valley Luminary Society
Post World War II Inventors
Collection, Silicon Valley Luminary Society
Medical Device Pioneers of Silicon Valley
Collection, Silicon Valley Luminary Society
portraits, portrait artists
President Abraham Lincoln
Terry Guyer Terry Guyer Terry Guyer Sonia Hale Cynthia Harris-Pagano
The Honorable William Lewis
(after Gilbert Stuart)
Private Collection
Haverford, Pennsylvania
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Abolishionist, Author
The Honorable Blanche Kelso Bruce
U.S. Senator from Mississippi, 1875-1881
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Frederick Douglass, Abolitionist
State House, Annapolis, Maryland
portraits, portrait artists
Garth Herrick Ann Manry Kenyon Simmie Knox Simmie Knox Tanya Larin
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Dr. Andrew Kincannon, President
The University of Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee
President Theodore Roosevelt as Rough Rider, 1898
The Roosevelt House
Washinton, D.C.
portraits, portrait artists
Tanya Larin Suellen McCrary Jamie Lee McMahan Michael Shane Neal Mary Reilly
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Bryant B. Brooks
Governor of Wyoming, 1905 to 1911
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Mary Reilly Rossin Michele Rushworth Ed Salazar Ed Salazar
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Ed Salazar Ed Salazar Andrea Lynn Saltzman Margaret Holland Sargent Margaret Holland Sargent
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Dominic Vignola Kerry Vosler Charles Young Walls Karin Wells Karin Wells
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Whaling Captain Joseph T. Belain
Famous Whaler
Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
portraits, portrait artists
Franz Liszt, Composer
Karin Wells Jennifer Heyd Wharton Elizabeth Whelan Cyd Wicker Paul Wyse

Award-winning portrait
(NOTE: Not all artists enter competitions.)

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