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Featured Portraits

James A. Hallock, M.D.
Brody Medical School
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina   
Irene Bailey
James A. Hallock, M.D.
Brody Medical School
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina

ARTISTS: If you would like your portrait featured and linked here, please contact us.
Use our site search feature to find other medical portraits by using such terms as doctor, hospital, clinic, surgery, surgeon, medical, medicine, etc.
Dr. Robert Kimura
Leading U.S. Researcher of the Inner Ear
Wright Pinson, MD, CEO, 
Vanderbilt Health System
Nashville, Tennessee
Oil on canvas
Dr. Stephen W. Thomas, former Dean
The College of Allied Health Sciences
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Dr. James A. Hallock
Brody Medical School 
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
James A. Hallock, M.D.
Brody Medical School 
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Igor Babailov Igor Babailov Irene Bailey Irene Bailey Irene Bailey
Dr. Bruce Johnson, M.D.
Carillon Clinic
Col. Charles R. Fisher, Jr.
Retired Commander
U.S. School of Aerospace Medicine
Dr. John T. Harrington, Former Dean
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
 Dr. John G. Clarkson
University of Miami Medical School
Miami, Florida
Dr. Edwin L. Overholt
Gundrsen Clinic
Irene Bailey Anna Rose Bain Allan R. Banks Allan R. Banks Margaret Baumgaertner
Peter Lynch, M.D.
University of Minnesota Medical Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
William Eugene Mayberry, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Dr. Mark Dahl
University of Minnesota Medical Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dr. Larry A. Hoover
Chair, Neck & Spine Surgery
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, Kansas
Lanny R. Copeland, M. D.
Past President, American Academy of Physicians
Dallas, Texas
Margaret Baumgaertner Margaret Baumgaertner Margaret Baumgaertner David Beal June Blackstock
Thomas Lentz, Dean
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut
Gordon D. Ginder, MD
Director Emeritus, Massey Cancer Center
Richmond, Virginia
Oil on canvas 40 x 30
Jerome F. Strauss III, M.D., Ph.D.
Dean, Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
Dr. Frank S. Royal, Chairman
Meherry Medical College
Nashville, Tennessee
Dr. Kate Eastman Savage Zerfoss, Ophthalmologist
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee
Carol Boynton Loryn Brazier Loryn Brazier Loryn Brazier William T. Chambers
Patricia G. Spear, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
Dr. George Compton
Community Hospital
Panayotis Iastridis, M.D.
Indiana University Medical School Northwest
Gary, Indiana
Frank Lloyd, M.D.
Methodist Hospital
Indianapolis, Indiana
Will Ross, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
Dean, Department of Diversity
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
48 x 34 Oil on linen
William T. Chambers Michael Chelich Michael Chelich Michael Chelich Ellen Cooper
Wallace T. Miller Sr. M.D., Radiology
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lawrence G. Smith, MD, MACP
Founding Dean, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine
Executive Vice President & Physician-in-Chief
Northwell Health
Dr. R. Nick Bryan, M.D., Ph.D.
Collection of Penn Medicine
Department of Radiology
Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
portraits, portrait artists
Dr. Harry Schenck, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ellen Cooper Ellen Cooper Ellen Cooper Mary Villon de Benveniste Daniel Duffy
Carr P. Collins
Fisher / Collins Family Collection
Dallas, Texas
Dominick Protomastro
Former President & CEO
Philips Medical, New York, New York
Helen Coley Nauts, Founder
Cancer Research Institute
New York, New York
Dorothy Collins Torbert
Baylor University Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
Dr. Byrum Bush
Susan Boone Durkee Susan Boone Durkee Susan Boone Durkee Susan Boone Durkee Connie Erickson
Dr. Bernard Karnath
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
TeamHealth Holdings, Inc.
Knoxille, Tennessee
TeamHealth Holdings, Inc.
Knoxille, Tennessee
TeamHealth Holdings, Inc.
Knoxille, Tennessee
TeamHealth Holdings, Inc.
Knoxille, Tennessee
Eddie Filer Shari Ford Shari Ford Shari Ford Shari Ford
Dennis Stohler, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Dr. Jess Ting
New York, New York
Dr. P. Saanich Hospital
Medical Device Pioneers of Silicon Valley
Collection, Silicon Valley Luminary Society
Dr. Zakir A.R. Dhange
Dhange Hospital, Maharashtra, India
Geoffrey Geary Kerri Gibbs David Goatley Terry Guyer Sonia Hale
Dr. and Mrs. Manouchehr and Ziba Lavian
Psychiatry Specialist
Garnet Health Medical Center
Middletown, New York
Dr. Richard Wagman, Internal Medicine
Brooklyn Hospital,
Brooklyn, New York
Oil on canvas 20 x 16
Dr. Fred Kennett
Dentist, Virginia
Oil on canvas
36 x 30
Harris Silverman, M.D.
The Eye Associzates
Brandenton, Florida
M. Louise Fitzpatrick, Dean
School of Nursing, Villanova University
Oil on linen 34 x 32
Cynthia Harris-Pagano Cynthia Harris-Pagano Cynthia Harris-Pagano Paula Hawkins Garth Herrick
Dr. William Tasman, Ophthalmologist
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Stanley Goldfarb, M.D.
President, College of Physicians
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Frederick Jakobiec, M.D., D.Sc, Director
David G. Cogan Laboratory of Ophthalmic Pathology
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
Collection, Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Frederick A. Jakobiec
Director,David G. Cogan Laboratory of Ophthalmic Pathology at Massachusetts Eye & Ear
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Filippone
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick Frank Interrante Frank Interrante Jonathan Linton
portraits, portrait artists
Victor J. Dzau, M.D.,Chancellor of Health Affairs
President & CEO, Duke University Medical Center & Health System
Durham, North Carolina
Kevin Carey, M.D., President
Guthrie Healthcare System
Sayre, Pennsylvania
Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans
Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Center for Health Education
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham, North Carolina
Saul J. Farber, M.D., MACP
Dean, New York University School of Medicine
Provost, New York University Medical Center
President Emeritus, American College of Physicians
Jonathan Linton Ying-He Liu Ying-He Liu Ying-He Liu Ying-He Liu
Dr. Norman Bein, M.D., FACS
St. Louis, Missouri
Dr. Weiland
Dr. Gopal Krishna
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Robert Stoelting
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Wiltz Wagner
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Heather Marcus Paul W. McCormack Paul W. McCormack Paul W. McCormack Paul W. McCormack
Dr. Douglas Rund, Dean
The Ohio State University Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio
Dr. John Leonard
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee
Dr. John Leonard
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee
Dr. Michael Simmons, Dean
School of Medicine
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
portraits, portrait artists
Jamie Lee McMahan Jamie Lee McMahan Jamie Lee McMahan Jamie Lee McMahan Mary Minifie
Dr. William M. Keane
Jefferson University Physician
Professor, Chair, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
portraits, portrait artists
Dr Arthur P. Wheeler
Professor of Medicine, Longtime Director
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Adult Medical Intensive Care Unit
Nashville, Tennessee
Dr. Bradley Smith
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Lee E. Smith, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Professor of Surgery Georgetown University
Washington, D.C.
Director of Colon & Rectal Surgery
Washington Hospital Center
Washington, D.C.
Michael Shane Neal Michael Shane Neal Michael Shane Neal Michael Shane Neal Mary Reilly
 Dr. Megan Shields
Los Angeles, California
Dr. David Wellington
Dr. Melvin Shipp, Dean
College of Optometry
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Dr. Philip P. Gerbino, Ph.D.
Strategic Advisor of SCILEX Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Dennis Bourdette, M.D., F.A.A.N.
Portland, Oregon
Jessica Rockwell Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth
Dr. Kenneth J. Emonds, Ph.D.
Dr. Mark Siegel
Paradise Valley, Arizona
Daniel T. Cloud, MD
Phoenix Children's Hospital
Phoenix, Arizona
 Melvin Cohen, M.D.
Phoenix Children's Hospital
Phoenix, Arizona
Allan W. Lobb, M.D.
Swedish Hospital
Seattle, Washington
Ed Salazar Chris Saper Chris Saper Chris Saper Margaret Holland Sargent
Jules S. Stein, Founder & CEO
Jules Stein Eye Institute
Los Angeles, California
Dr. Thomas & Dorothy Donnal, Benefactors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Los Angeles, California
William Hutchinson, M.D.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Seattle, Washington
Dr. J. Wayne Meredith, Chief of Surgery 
Wake Forest Baptist Hospital
Dr. Edward Abraham, Dean 
Wake Forest School of Medicine
60 x 40 Oil on linen
Margaret Holland Sargent Margaret Holland Sargent Margaret Holland Sargent Patty Bailey Sheets Patty Bailey Sheets
Reggie Harris, M.D.
Medical Mutual Insurance Company
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dr. Lawrence Lundy
Norman Epstein
Former CEO, Summit Health
Gretchen Diemer, M.D.
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jerry Grunwald, M.D.
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Michelle Snead Susan Strauss Nicole Troup Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng
Alan Cohen, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Bruce A. Fenderson, M.D.
Professor of Pathology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Louis Kavoussi, M.D.
Urologist and Surgeon
Long Island and New York City
Timothy Guiney, M.D.
Boston and Martha's Vineyard
Dr. John A Fracchia, MD
Director of Urology, retired
Lenox Hill Hospital
New York, New York
Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng Elizabeth Whelan Elizabeth Whelan Elizabeth Whelan
Ravi Misra, PhD
Dean and Professor
Medical College of Wisconsin
Earl Zimmerman, M.D.
Professor of Neurology
Albany Medical College
Albany, New York
Dr. J. William Littler
World Renowned Hand Surgeon 
Founding Member, American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Roosevelt Hospital
New York, New York
Victor Joseph Dzau, M.D., President
National Academy of Medicine
Phillip Allen Sharp
Co-discovered RNA splicing
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1993
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Whelan Robert Francis Whelan Richard Whitney, PhD.H Richard Whitney, PhD.H Richard Whitney, PhD.H
Dr. M. Bruce Shields, M.D.
World-renowned Authority on Glaucoma
Claude Hitchcock, Chief of Surgery
Hennepin County Medical Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ellie Tilson, Executive Director
Hospital Workers Union 1199
Steven Bunney, M.D.
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut
Richard Whitney, PhD.H Cyd Wicker Lois Woolley Gerald P. York

Award-winning portrait
(NOTE: Not all artists enter competitions.)

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Site designed by A Stroke of Genius, Inc.