for artists » resources » desktop publishing supplies

100 Plaza Drive
Secaucus, New Jersey 07094-3606
(800) A-PAPERS

Co-ordinated specialty papers & more for brochures, letterhead & business cards. Discounts for online orders over mail order catalog.

1-888-PAPER-11 • (312) 906-9678

They carry a huge assortment of various types of paper products. Both online and in-store ordering.

888-502-8393 Orders
800-814-7783 Fax

Professional clip art, fonts & software. A bit pricey but, incredible selection.

(800) 433-2278 • (800) 435-2278 Fax

Pre-designed desktop publishing paper.
Voice mail or Fax order toll free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Live voice, Mon - Fri 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM CST

TransFix covers the entire slide mount, providing more room for valuable information. Perfect for Artists, Photographers, Scientists and Researchers. Safe to use in all printers and copiers. Note: Their site is gone, so they could be out of business.

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Site designed by A Stroke of Genius, Inc.