One of America's Twelve Best Portraitists —Town & Countryfiller

Portraits in oil on linen canvas


Size Fee
Head and Shoulders
24" x 20" to 30" x 25" (Not including hands)
Half Figure — no hands $15,000
Half Figure — with hands $18,000
Three Quarter Figure
36" x 30" or larger
Full Figure $27,000
Groups: Each Additional figure on same canvas, add 50 percent.  
Not included in price: Frame, shipping, travel expenses, plus sales tax if applicable.


A minimum of three sittings are required. First session is a meeting between the artist and subject to get acquainted and to plan clothing, background and to discuss the purpose of the painting. During the second session, a color sketch is made of the head and color notes made of clothing. Photographs are also taken of the subject in different positions and lighting situations. This second session can be combined with the first meeting if time is critical. The next session is to view the photographs and select a pose (sometimes the subject prefers to leave the selection to the artist). After the artist has worked alone on the final canvas, the subject is called to the studio for additional touches and approval.


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