Alexandra Tyng  »  Philadelphia, PA

Honor Award, 2011, PSOA Members Only
Permanent Collection, , NPG DC

Louis I. Kahn, Architect

Alexandra Tyng
Philadelphia, PA
Fee range: $6,000-$18,000

About the Artist

Alexandra Tyng is a realist painter whose work combines traditional methods with a contemporary viewpoint. Alex was born in Rome, Italy, and has lived in Philadelphia most of her life. Primarily self-taught, Alex chose an academic education over art school. She learned traditional oil painting techniques by examining the work of the old masters, reading about the methods and materials of other artists, and watching artists paint.

Alex’s portraits incorporate descriptive backgrounds and a uniquely figurative sensibility. Her non-commissioned figurative work focuses on people in the process of living and interacting in their own environments, rather than in formal poses. In other paintings the figures become distant focal points while the setting predominates. Alex’s landscapes range from intimate views of particular places to mountaintop panoramas to large-scale aerial views of the glacially carved land formations of coastal Maine. 

Alex has had solo shows in New York, Maine, and Philadelphia. Her work is included in many public, corporate and private collections in the U.S. and abroad. Her figurative paintings and portraits have garnered awards from the Portrait Society of America, the Allied Artists of America, the Woodmere Art Museum, The Artist’s Magazine, and American Artist. In 2008 Alex was selected as one of Maine’s outstanding artists by Maine Home +Design; in 2009 an article on her landscape work appeared in that same publication.  Her Maine landscapes have also been featured in The Art of Monhegan by Carl Little, and in art magazines including Fine Art Connoisseur, American Art Collector, The Artist’s MagazineInternational Artist, and O&S (Poets and Artists). Alex leads workshops in Maine and Philadelphia, and teaches portraiture in the Philadelphia area. Alex is a member of the Maine Landscape Guild, and the founder of Portraits For the Arts, an ongoing philanthropic project that uses the power of portraiture to raise money for the arts in the Philadelphia area.

Portrait Fees

To inquire about commissioning a portrait or works available please contact Cynthia Daniel through email or by calling 727-510-4394.

Public portraits

Louis I. Kahn, Architect
Jerry Grunwald, M.D.
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Robert S. Fisher, M.D.
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Constantine Papadakis, Presdent
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
David M. Felsen
Headmaster, Friends Central School
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Chuck Pennoni, President
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Bruce A. Fenderson, M.D.
Professor of Pathology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gretchen Worden, Mutter Museum
Philadelphia College of Physicians
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Claude Frank
German-born American pianist
Anne Griswold Tyng
Architechtural Archives
University of Pennsylvania
Louis I. Kahn, Architect
R. John Chapel
 President & Chief Executive Officer
White Hall Capital, LLC
Ashburn, Virginia
The Honorable Norma L. Shapiro
Historical Society of The U.S District Court
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Gretchen Diemer, M.D.
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Steven K. Herrin, M.D.
Thomas Jeffersion University Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Alan Cohen, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Husband & wife Pioneering Architects
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists

Private portraits

portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
Beth and Joe Krush
American husband-and-wife team of illustrators
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists
portraits, portrait artists

Works for sale

New World
The Grandmothers
Point of Turning
The Unseen Aspect.
The Wish
The Letter A
Art and Legacy
Event Horizon
Red Mansard, Stonington
Fish Houses against the Light
Fish Houses and Blue Truck
Through the Barn, Florida Farm
Surface in Motion
Park Loop
Peaked Shadow
Morning Sun over Monhegan Village
Home and House
Afternoon Ferry
Edge of the Lake
Northeast Shift
First Awake

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